Episode 10: Demystifying Book Writing and Publishing with Susie Schaefer

Season #1

Yes - writing and publishing a book might be one of the most complex and multilayered things you could do as it involves a thousand aspects. Nevertheless, it is the most rewarding journey and holding your finished masterpiece in your hands for the first time makes it soooo worth it! This week on "Women in Writing", I am speaking to the wonderful Susie Schaefer, CEO and founder of "Finish the Book Publishing".

Susie and her team might be the most dedicated people on earth to support you, in (finally) finishing, publishing and marketing the book(s) you are meant to write.

Pls check her website: www.finishthebookpublishing.com

Book a free consultation: https://calendly.com/susie-43/30minconsult?month=2024-01

Link to her publications: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B08LHK5MPX/allbooks?ingress=0&visitId=245c450e-d1c0-4983-aee2-fca2157e6464&ref_=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1

Thank you for rating and reviewing this podcast. You can find me, Kristina, on Instagram @freelance_writing_coach or you can email me at [email protected] 

