Episode 15
[00:00:00] Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Welcome back to the Women in Writing podcast. My name is Kristina. I'm your host. We have a super amazing guest today again. Her name is Kristi. She's so successful. She published two novels in only a couple of years. She's about to publish her third novel and it's actually a series of books. She is also a copywriter and she will share with you how she grew her business from just dreaming about it on the beach to really publish her novels.
Here we go. Welcome to the wonderful Christy. Hello. Hi, thank you. Thank you so much for having me. I'm so excited to have you. Yeah. Thank you. I'm excited to dive in as well.
Yeah. So you're definitely very inspiring. You wrote two [00:01:00] novels in five years and you're working on the third one right now. Do you just want to cover what you're doing? Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So basically I have been writing. So I wrote my first novel a few years ago now, and I feel like that has always been a passion of mine.
And so writing those, I also created a writing business on the side. So it was predominantly copywriting. So I was doing that, but then I just kept feeling drawn back into the creative writing side of things. So from there, I have created. writing community and a space where others can learn to learn those first steps, learn to dive into their own book writing.
So doing that and then also working on the third novel in the series. So lots on the go. That is so amazing. So what is the series about and what is it called for everyone who wants to buy books? Yeah, so the, so it's a series, it's a young adult fiction series. So the first one [00:02:00] is called Heartband, and the second one is Sunwild, and the third one will be announced soon, but it basically is the coming of age story of four friends who have summer houses in the same area along the beach.
So they live in different parts of the province here in Canada in the story. And every summer they had to their beach houses and pick up on their friendship. And it's really just a lot of firsts and a lot of lessons that we learn in those initial. beginning ages of becoming adults. So the first book, they are 16.
And so it's that summer. And then the second book, it's a summer, they're 17. So we pick up everything that's happened. And then this next book, there'll be 18. So lots of big life decisions gonna happen for them soon. That's amazing. And I absolutely love the titles. I absolutely love the title, because that's just a heartfelt and yeah, like feminine is like your audience [00:03:00] mostly feminine or?
No, I feel like the target audience is about kind of 16, 17 year old girls, but it's funny because I've had a lot of just all ages and all types of people drawn to it and want to pick it up. But usually it is that feminine audience. And the intention was to go. With either an emotion or feeling and then tie it back into kind of an element or a physical thing.
So like the sand of the beach the sun and the next one, that. So to create that whole experience of the emotional side and then also that physical location that is so important to them. Oh, amazing. That sounds so good. And you were really successful already.
Like you sold, I think over 500 copies already. Is that it? Yeah, around that. So in the early stages with my first novel, I would go out there, I would sign up for markets, especially in those little beach towns close by to me. So I would set up tables, I would share all about it and really just get that initial marketing happening of spreading the word and that.
And then obviously as I was growing [00:04:00] my social media following in that, I was able to reach a wider audience outside of just the local market. But it's been a really fun balance of the local audience. It's because I do live close to the location it's based around and then also reaching people all over the world, which has been so amazing.
That is really cool. So it's the real place and a fictional story, basically. Yeah, so it's based loosely off of some of my own experiences of going to the beach, spending summers in that type of area at my own family's cottage and things like that. So it's pulled from a general area, but it's definitely a fictional story.
Amazing. So when, how old were you when you knew you would write the series? Are you really young or? So it's so funny because for me, I'm not sure if this is normal, but ever since I was super young, I always just loved creative writing and storytelling. And I just had this gut feeling that I would do this one day.
So even in my teenage years, I [00:05:00] was just creating stories and things like that. And it was after I finished my university degree that I was like, okay, let's do this for real. As I was searching for those kinds of real jobs, I was like, let's just spend the summer and do this for real. So that kind of grew from there.
So I was 21 when I first published the first one. And I look back and it's almost like this time capsule of who I was then. But I personally always had this feeling that I would write and I just love storytelling so much. So it's just so fitting for me. Amazing. That is so cool. And your book series is self published, right?
Yes, so for me, so as I did so much research, I was looking at all the angles, and back then it just felt like the right fit for me in terms of just getting my story out there, and I was feeling ambitious to do that marketing side of things, so I have opted to self publish this just because I've [00:06:00] gained the readership of the first one, I wanted the second one to come out quickly after, I but yeah, so that was the avenue I took with that.
But I think for future ones that I have after this series is complete, I have a different plan that I'm going to market it to agents and that, amazing. That is so cool. Yeah thank you. That's really amazing. And it's also that you tie it in, like in your whole kind of like writing career, right?
Because it's not only the creative writing, but you also did some copywriting as well, right? Yeah, for sure. Yeah, so it was a nice thing to have on my portfolio to be like I've done this and so after writing the books I was still in the writing field as I was working and then I started my own business full time and copywriting in 2019 so that has been the predominant kind of me stepping into the business world.
And I still do copywriting as well, but I [00:07:00] have leaned more into the book writing community and even helping professionals be published in their expertise and showing them the steps of how to bring their story, whatever the genre is to life in that way. So that was so cool. And I think it's so important because a lot of my Clients as well.
Like they say, I love writing and I can write everything. I want to write creatively and I also want to write professionally. And I think that was a big thing for me as well, because, I had the, oh, I have this lady in my program and she said oh, I did a professional.
Copywriting certificate, but doing that I thought oh, it might just, make me just a copywriter, but it's amazing, obviously, but it's also great that, like you can tie in so many more things, like creative writing. I also, from my own experience, I wrote like short stories or blog posts, website content like, All the things, right?
And it's like the whole creativity of writing combined and I mean we have to remind ourselves [00:08:00] that also professional writing is, is creative. Yeah, exactly. I feel like it's such a balance and that's the same with me of being drawn to all these different avenues of writing and I feel like each one is their own specific energy.
Me being in my creative writing is just such freedom of me expressing myself versus stepping into creative writing. I'm writing, I'm tuning into the energy of the client. I'm really studying their brand. So it's a completely different way of being. So I think for me dabbling in all these avenues of writing, it really balanced it out and allowed me to not feel too drained by one and still stay in that energy.
Very important. I love that. Yeah. You made a big transition from like your agency to like your freelance work, right? Do you want to tell us about that? Yeah, for sure. So I was working for a government agency. So I was in communications in the writing editing department for them. [00:09:00] And it was an amazing experience.
I really loved my time there. I just felt this kind of nudge and we did work with a lot of businesses in that agency. So I feel like that kind of Spark that desire for entrepreneurship where I'm like, Ooh, I could do something like that. And I already had the passion for writing. So it was those ideas coming together to begin my own journey of freelancing and starting my own business.
But I feel like my time in the agency prepared me and taught me so much about different kinds of writing, professional writing, all of that, that I could take into my own business after. that's so good. That's what I. Did as well and I think That's like what I'm teaching my clients that it's sometimes really beneficial that, the agency like gives you a lot of security and you learn a lot of skills and then it's like an easier transition into your own like business becoming an experts experts, setting your own prices, knowing what you're doing.
[00:10:00] And I think it makes it easier. I was just speaking to a lady like she started like during COVID times, went like all in full time, almost like all in full time from the beginning in her own, business, but that's like a kind of like a jump in the cold water, which, she's successful and that's great, but yeah, it is brave.
It's brave. It's really. Yeah, inspiring as well, but yeah, I would say that for sure. It's definitely not it can be scary to make that leap because you're in probably a job that does feel comfortable. It feels good in a lot of ways. And to trust your gut to do something in unfamiliar territory, I feel is always scary, but if it's something that you feel very drawn to, it definitely is worth that leap into it and taking everything that you learned along with you.
Yeah, definitely. I think it's. Like you said it's just beautiful that you can create your own [00:11:00] business, and there's no limit because, a lot of people, when I say to people, Oh, I'm teaching like people freelance writing and how to become, successful, being a freelance writing coach, like a lot of people say Oh, you're a copywriter.
And amazing, like copywriting is amazing. And it's obviously a super important part. But Like it's not everything like there's so much more. So many avenues, right? Yesterday I was interviewing a lady and she came across writing wedding speeches and that's her main income now for her business, writing wedding speeches.
And that was like a happy accident, like you wouldn't think someone makes a career out of that and that's great. Yeah, it's amazing where you end up to because I feel like sometimes people don't see all the different ways that you can write and all the different demands there are like wedding speech writing.
There definitely is a need for that. So it's so interesting how people end up in different kinds of writing that fit them so well. [00:12:00] That's so cool. So how do you get your clients usually? Is it like all referral or was it for you at the beginning, like that you were running ads or that you reached out to people online on maybe, on what other people are doing, Facebook groups or LinkedIn or.
How was it for you that you got your clients? Yeah. It began with referrals. So people saying, Oh, Christy does this type of thing, like I recommend her that type of thing. So that was always really good. The referrals and those still come in, I feel like in the early stages, I was really just like getting down to it and engaging on Instagram, just really connecting and trying to create that community feel there.
So starting conversations in general, real human, nice ways of like really just getting to know people. And I found that really started to bring in the new clients and things like that. I've since kind of extended into a wider marketing plan in terms of Facebook groups and things like that.
But I've also just [00:13:00] Learned that you don't have to be doing all the things. 'cause some people are like, we've gotta do ads, we've gotta do groups, we've gotta do it all. And then that just becomes so overwhelming that it's like hard to do any of it. So I would just say in terms of getting out there and getting new clients is sticking to a path that feels really good.
And then just like giving your all to it and just focusing on that and just doing. whatever, you need to do and, yeah, just fully showing up there and being like, okay, this is how I'm going to do it. I'm going to start lots of genuine conversations and that's where I'm going to pour my energy.
And I feel like that will always return back to you if you're showing up in that way. Amazing. I really, I totally agree with that as well. Because, there's we have to be careful that we don't always listen to the new kind of like shiny object of oh, because obviously there's ads everywhere oh, get clients doing this, get clients doing that.
And then you're like, all over the place. It's like really sticking to that one thing. Yeah. And a lot of people say Oh, you have to do TikTok. You have to do that. And, try [00:14:00] out what works for you and what feels good. But obviously you need to have time for. The writing portion of it, like the majority of the time, we can only do marketing, yeah, for sure, and I feel like that was always the struggle for me, where I love the writing the most, so I'd be like, I just love being in that creation part, and then I'd have to be like, oh we've got to do marketing, though, so I think because everybody has these ideas of this is the perfect way to do it.
This is what will work, but really tuning into what feels good to you, because that's going to make you want to show up for it outside of the writing portion. So exactly. And I think it's true that, like a lot of writers are more introverts maybe, and they don't want to show up online so much.
And that's definitely with my community, like some ladies, some ladies don't have a problem with it, but some ladies really want to You know, they don't really, want to update their LinkedIn profiles or show like their profile pictures or whatever, because. Yeah, I hear that. And especially at the beginning, like when you have a full time job [00:15:00] and you change your LinkedIn to like freelance writing, like they are like, okay, I don't want to like my employer to see what I'm doing, what I'm up to on the side, yeah. And it's definitely a shift to show up in that new way of being like, this is who I am now. And this is what I'm doing. It is an edge that we have to Push past and writing itself is such an internal kind of thing that we do that sometimes it's hard to step out of that to show up in the world.
So I completely understand that for sure. Yeah, definitely. But it's great. It's really inspiring that you created that, career for yourself. So when was it that you got like full time, like that you turned like you're like turned away from the agency basically went full time freelance?
Yeah, definitely. Yeah. So it was partway through 2019. So that's when I officially left, officially was on my own doing the thing. And it was really interesting because it was probably about six or seven months before COVID happened. So I was already in that world, working remotely, doing all of that, and [00:16:00] then everything all happened.
But it was good timing for me. It was when I needed to do it, I felt ready to jump in and start that. So really cool. That's amazing. But it was still scary, I get, right? Oh, yeah. It was terrifying. Especially telling people this is what I'm going to do. And they would be like, what are you talking about?
You have this thing, like this job already. And yeah, it was hard. And I just had to learn that I didn't have to explain it to everyone. I didn't have to be like, this is what I'm doing. I was just like, I feel good with this. So I'm going to trust my heart and go with it. You have to trust and you have to.
Grow and I think it's important to trust your gut and then feel what is the right thing for you. For me, like I had this two transitions, really, like I had this transition from my like, main job in hospitality into writing like full time. I started freelance writing back in 2008.
So long, long time. I always did it on the [00:17:00] side because I always loved writing. It was a nice kind of thing to do like a nice balance from like a hospitality career, basically doing A lot of, like always with people always like. social events, like working, like late night shifts, early mornings, whatever to then really having the time to sit down, being creative, just being, with my laptop and just writing for others and creating something.
It was always a nice balance. I had the transition into kind of like freelance writing because I moved to America. I met my now husband and father of, a little one like, Oh, I have to make this work. And how do I, work? So I went all in, into my. freelance writing career and it worked out well and now I'm moving from writing which is, like I know how to make money writing.
I know, how many hours I need to dedicate to make X amount of money. But like now moving into the coaching, like it's like [00:18:00] transition and I feel like for me, it was always important to like also learn from other people. So did you ever hire like a mentor or coach or?
Yeah. So I have worked with a few different ones just in different stages of where I was in business. So initially when I first was going off on my own in 2020, I worked with a coach for a while to build those foundational pieces. And then this past year I have as well. That I, so as I transitioned more from copywriting into the book mentorship, I found that I was also the same kind of Merging into the coaching world.
So I do book coaching in terms of helping people write their book. So it was that shift to from the writing aspect into coaching and helping in that way. So that was something that I also wanted to learn as much as I could about too, that the coaching world as well as the writing world. So it was an interesting balance of both.
[00:19:00] That is really amazing. And I like that because that's what I learned myself, like hiring someone that is like a few steps further, like where you want to be. Like, it just makes sense because there's like always that kind of like huge return on investment, I feel like, it was at least true for me because I wanted to learn and I wanted to grow and Yeah, I think it just makes a lot of sense, or it may show you that path forward of it's okay, here's the next step, see how that feels, and giving you those tools and resources to get where you're going in such a quicker, easier way than just DIYing it on our own.
So exactly, because otherwise, it just gets, too much. And yeah, it's a lot. But I think it's really inspiring that you Like I was talking yesterday, so I recorded three podcasts yesterday as well and it was like with very different people, but like one of the ladies was like a [00:20:00] mom of four and she was like a multiple seven figure business now, doing all the things, exactly.
And like the key takeaway from all three conversations was that, if you stay persistent. Of course, there will be times that are difficult, and of course there's a lot of things that you have to learn, but if you stay persistent it's absolutely worth it, and I think this is what I want to say to my clients, too it's no such thing like a quick fix, but you can a hundred percent create a career writing if you want to, right?
Yeah. I'm all about that as well. It's if you show up and if this is something that you feel in your heart, in your gut, that this is what you want to do, if you put in that time and keep showing up for it, it's going to happen and your journey won't look like everybody else's, like you said, interviewing all these different people, but your journey is your own.
And it's going to take you exactly where you're wanting to go. If you are in full in with it, then I think it's so [00:21:00] cool because a lot of people think, Hey, It's just not happening for me, and again it's a mindset thing as well. But at least what I found my parents are from not a writing background at all.
And it's a different generation and they. Don't know like that you can, not blaming them or anything like that. Great. Yeah, exactly. I am the same. They just don't see the vision because they've never really been in a world like that. So they're like, wait, what are you doing? How is that? And sometimes I try to explain, but it's just just trust me.
I know what I'm doing, or at least I'm figuring it out. But it can be terrifying, especially at the beginning to, oh, should I really do it feels more scary. Like you're sure that it will work out, but then, it's still like a little, uncomfortable Oh my God, I have to make this transition and get out of the comfort zone grow and.
People that tell you, Oh, why are you doing this? And then you're crossing. It was for [00:22:00] me, yeah. It's such, they don't talk about the whole mindset component of it as much as, so I wasn't expecting that of just how much it could be a rollercoaster where some days it's amazing. Other days you're questioning everything.
And. And just how important it is to work on your mindset throughout it because half of this work that we do is such a mental thing that we have to overcome those doubts. We have to work through a lot of things like money, mindset, all of it to get to where we're going. So I feel like there's so many components that it's hard to see when you're first starting, but are just part of this journey that we're on.
And you talked a lot, like you talk a lot about like energetics as well, right? So the energetics of writing and it's also like the energetics that you put into your business, right? Yeah, they they mirror each other so much and I just found it's such an important component that was coming up in business and in writing that even in the writing world isn't [00:23:00] explored as much as I would like it to because writing is such an energetic practice.
We are Physically channeling through ideas. We're putting things onto page. We're coming up with all these new Things as we're writing and it's such a physical thing like of our bodies feeling what we're putting through and all of that and Just stay inspired I feel like we have to tap into Who we are and what's going on in our lives and make sure everything is balanced there In order to show up and create in our best So I feel like creating practices around writing can definitely support in the process of actually writing.
So it's just so fascinating for me. That is amazing. A hundred percent, because it's also the outcome is always attached to what you think about it. Exactly. Something that I had to learn because, I'm A realist and I need like evidence and stuff like that, exactly for sure.
It's definitely how a lot of people teach it that, obviously if you think [00:24:00] about, Oh, I'm going to fail, it will not work out for me, it never worked out for me, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Then this is like what you like, you're looking for evidence that it does not work out for you.
And you're looking for evidence. Yeah, exactly. And you will find it, and on the other hand, obviously, if you believe in yourself, even though it might be difficult and you might have like challenges, but this is like when you grow and you can believe in yourself and you can make it work.
Look at you now, like how amazing and successful you are now. And maybe beginning of 2019 before you started, it would be like the dream, right? Yeah, even when I think back to who I was then, I I noticed more of the journey of myself more than even obviously the business has grown a lot since then, but even just looking at who I was and how I had to show up as a person and how I had to do that inner work and work through everything and grow with the process.
It's amazing. How much has happened in just the span of those years. So it's like when you're doing that inner work, it [00:25:00] is going to reflect in like the financial business success on the other side, but it's so intertwined that it's just so important to Yeah, to look at both sides of it as you're growing with things then.
That's so cool. Thank you so much for all the insight. Yeah. That's so cool. Last question. What is your kind of like goal for the future? Do you have obviously publishing your third novel. Yeah. Marketing it like I'm sure like your audience is pretty excited for you to like finally publish it, right?
Oh my gosh, I feel like I almost feel bad because I'm like, I need to get this out there because people because it's a series, I've left that second one on a little bit of a cliffhanger obviously it wraps up, but people are like, I need to know what happens, Christy. So I'm like, okay, it's coming, I promise.
So I am excited to get that one out there. I'm hoping this year will be the year for that to be released. But yeah, I think outside of that, I'm just very excited about [00:26:00] just the whole writing community aspect that I'm really growing in terms of I have a new writing membership, which people can come and just write and just be in a sense of community.
So I think my goals are really just leaning into that as much as possible. And from there, even just creating writing retreats and really fun places and things like that, just to show writers that they can do so many different things, but even that being together in community is what really drives that creativity and the inspiration and that we can learn and grow from each other so much.
And it doesn't have to be this solo activity we just do on our own. It can be something that is shared and celebrated among all of us. So that's the direction I see things going and very excited about that. That is so cool. I love that you. I also talked about the writing retreat because that's Yeah.
That's something that comes up for me all the time, like we should plan something together at one point. Oh my gosh. Yes. I would be so down. I'm just so excited to do that as [00:27:00] well and just even go travel in some fun exotic place and then write while you're there just to soak in the inspiration.
Yeah. Yeah. Definitely. I love that. We will do. We will do a little road show, road trip, a little tour, like we will do one in Canada by the beach. We will do one in Germany, like in the mountains or in the winter when it's like really Like lots of like cozy cabin vibes and yeah, oh my gosh, it sounds amazing.
And one of my first clients, she now took over with her husband a place in Nicaragua and it's like a retreat yoga center also like on the beach. And I told her like, that's like the place for, a writer's retreat as well. So I guess future goals. I'm calling it. Yes. So we call it in. Yes.
We plan something. So thank you so much for all your insights. [00:28:00] That was amazing. Thank you so much. And I'll pop your information below and your business like if anyone wants to like, find out more about you, follow you on Instagram. And just, want to use your services in the future, buy your books, then they can definitely find you.
Yeah thank you so much for having me. This has been so fun. I always love connecting with other creatives and other writers and just learning about their journey as well. And
The conversation with Kristi was so inspiring, so generous of her that she invites you to have like a month in her membership. So please use the link below and check out her website. If you have any questions, email me under hellowithkristina. com. I would love for you to review this episode, share it if you enjoyed it.
Thank you so much for being here.
Yeah, if anyone is interested in joining in on the community membership or anything like that is open. So I, yeah, I'm just excited to connect with even more amazing creatives.
And yeah, [00:29:00] thanks again for everything. That's amazing. Thank you so much for your time, Christy. Yeah, no problem. Thanks. Thank you.
The conversation with Kristi was so inspiring, so generous of her that she invites you to have like a month in her membership. So please use the link below and check out her website. If you have any questions, email me under hellowithkristina. com. I would love for you to review this episode, share it if you enjoyed it.
Thank you so much for being here. Bye.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.