Episode 29
[00:00:00] Uh huh. Mhm.
Welcome back to the Women in Writing podcast. I have a very special guest today. And she is my former, how should I say that? Are you like my mentor or something? I don't even know how to describe that. Yeah. Welcome to Victoria. Hello. Thank you for having me. So excited to be here. Yeah.
I'm so excited that you're here as well. We finally, it feels like we talked about that forever and we finally record a podcast episode. I finally doing it. Yes, we're doing it. So do you just want to describe what you're doing? I think that's the best thing. Yeah. So I'm a psychic medium and spirit led transformational or empowerment coach.
And I just [00:01:00] love. Connecting to spirit. That's what I do primarily is connecting to spirit and using that connection to spirit to be able to help people move forward with their lives to live a spirit led life. So that means that we can start to remove the things that no longer serve us in our lives.
So if we're going through something right now, it's probably linked to something that's happened to you in childhood or in the past and we just not helped healed it or dealt with it. So it's just us going back and. starting to remove those things so you can live the best life and become connected to yourself and connected to spirit.
That's so beautiful. I love that. Very great introduction. And like, when we work together, it was last year, right? It's it feels like ages ago, such a long time ago. Yeah. And I always feel like how still it is amazing to see you online, reach out to you. And I think Everyone should have someone like you giving like them, the guidance.
And I think like you always say it, it's not only [00:02:00] like pulling a card, what's going on right now in my life. I think it's more of an ongoing thing, especially when you go through like some healing, right? Yeah, absolutely. I think that's the thing when so many people think of psychic medium in, in their heads there, it's somebody in a caravan, it's somebody that's got a crystal ball or some tarot cards.
And it's going to tell you a future, you're going to win the lottery and all that kind of stuff. And actually it's so much more than, yeah, I do Facebook lives and we give people a card and we give people that little like glimmer of hope or a little bit of a nugget of what's going on, how, what they, just validating what's happening for them, but it's no kidding.
That's deeper dive into what is going on for them. And I think, like you say, when we go through so many things during our journey, and we go into that personal development world, we need to have that, that connection where we are just using our connection to us and using that connection with somebody else.
Because, we can't see what, we don't know what we don't know. We can't see our own blind spots. So I think it's super important for us to [00:03:00] start seeing our own blind spots. And, That's why we have mentors and coaches because they see the bits that we don't see. And I think that's, working with spirit, working with people, not only am I receiving what they need from spirit, but also being able to see where it's come from.
And I think that's really empowering for them. Yeah, definitely. Definitely. I think it's also like the great thing of seeing the whole picture in a way to guide you not only through difficult situations, but also give you a more clearer path forward almost, right?
Absolutely. And I think so many times people go to psychics because they want to have clarity in this moment. Everything's got too much and I can't make a decision. So I know I'll go and see a psychic or I'll go and see somebody who's going to give me that clarity. My past loved ones going to come through and say, Yes, Victoria, this is what you need to do.
You're doing the right thing. We all want to have that certainty that's that [00:04:00] clarity. But it's so much more than that. It's so much more when we get to, live that life of Actually, we can connect to ourselves and I can connect to my own intuition and I can make those decisions for myself and I can see that for myself.
And it would be so amazing for us to actually start to understand that the more we connect to ourselves and we, more we connect to our intuition, the more kind of savvy we become about things around us that's the key part, because we worry about what we are thinking. We worry about the decisions we make.
And actually most of that is down to the fact we don't trust our own. intuition because we're not with school and all the things that go on socially now, we're so tapped out of our own emotions, our own feelings, our own connection to our body that we don't connect him. And it seems almost like everything is happening way too fast, right?
Like the amount of information, like we have to take in every single day from social media. And we are both in this world, obviously, [00:05:00] as being active, like writing, obviously like copywriting, that's where I can bring in my copywriting or whatever, but I kind of writing and putting out like lives and videos, whatever to connect to our like audience.
And as, as great as it is to like connect to all these people all over the world, because you have clients like everywhere in the world, pretty much. Absolutely. So I've got most of my clients are in the U S I've got clients in Australia. I've had clients in New Zealand. So yeah, they're all over the place.
Yeah, and that's a great thing, but it feels like sometimes it's like that information overload that we are not connected to ourselves so much anymore. Yeah, totally. And I think as that's happening to us as grownups, we're also having that happen into our kids now because we're seeing kids now becoming more disconnected to us.
They're getting devices younger. We're on our phones because we're working because when you live this life, you can work from anywhere. So it's finding that balance where, you're not on your phone all the time and showing a, and spending [00:06:00] time, which we do, but it's that thing of finding that real good balance where it's we are teaching our kids.
And we're overloaded. They're, they've got such a small, smaller capacity and they're going to be overloaded as well. Yeah, definitely. I think so. I think it's something we have to be really careful about. And I feel like, we talked before we started recording, we talked about mom guilt.
And I think that's really the thing, like when. Like my husband is traveling and obviously you as a single mom and we are working and our little ones are around, like we what are we doing? Like at one point, like we have to, obviously there's always different choices and like trying to keep them busy, but put them in front of the screen and you feel so bad.
Like I feel always so bad for doing that, the other hand like all the other kids are on their phones too, on, on the screens too. So you don't want them to be the odd one out. Like it's weird. I don't know how to describe it. And also I think we have to take into consideration during that is that, the choice is that you either work [00:07:00] a traditional job where you're working nine to five and your kid would be in childcare during those times.
And that would be maybe five days a week, or you're working evenings and you're not there to put them to bed. So there's always a. There's always a cost to pay. Everything's got a price on it. And I think, if you're working at home, you're more likely to, you have that mum guilt because your kid is right here.
If they're at school, then like they're entertained, they're at school, they're doing whatever if they were, if there's something else happening. But when it's just you and that you're at home and you're accessible to them. You then feel like, oh, I should be doing stuff with them, even though you're working.
And I think that's really difficult for mums. A lot of mums don't talk about it, I'm sure, because it is that, it's that fine line because you're just here and available. If you're at work, if I was at work at whatever time and, my daughter's here. then, and I'm not here and she's with somebody else, then I'm not available.
There's no opportunity to speak to me. And you're here, then it's Oh, you're always on call. You're on call to be, mom. [00:08:00] Yeah, exactly. That's absolutely right. Yeah. And us working with people, like we said, like from all over the world I see your lives like at, I don't know, 10, 11 PM, like you.
So it's late. Obviously by that time, like the little ones, I'm bad hopefully, but it's crazy because, like most of my calls are, in the afternoon or like evening time. And then, obviously it's also interferes with the time that, we could spend together.
So yeah. Yeah. We have to have that, that, that kind of payoff or play off or whatever the word is. It's just we've all, we're always taking from something else. You get to spend the days that you're not, feeling guilty for putting her in front of a screen, you're spending those days with her.
So, we have to see the bigger picture. And I think it's really hard because, society wants us to work like We're not mothers. They want us to mother like we don't work and do all the other things that we should be doing. In amongst all of those things.
Exactly. There was actually [00:09:00] like, there's that kind of like recording. It's a, I can send it to you, but it's like a, it's like a German kind of like talk show. And there was like a guy, I'm not sure like exactly like what his position is, but he like said it like he said, like, it's unbelievable how much, stress and pressure there is on like modern women, because they have to be everything.
And then obviously like it's sold to us as we can have everything, which is fine, nice. But I think that is also like why sometimes our female intuition is maybe out of place, just because we are overloaded with and we have to play the role of, male breadwinners, almost, and do everything at the same time, right?
Absolutely. So you're being like a male breadwinner where you're having to work lots but also, it's been drilled into us from such a young age and, as somebody who spent time with My grandparents, my grandmothers, particularly. And it's this, you provide for the family. That's the thing you keep house, so your [00:10:00] house and you're making sure that everybody's fed and everybody like the house is clean and all these things, because that's what you do as a woman.
And, society now where, men do take on those roles, but also it's still frowned upon. We still have people saying I'm babysitting my kid. No, you're co parenting with your child. The mom is doing something else. And I think there's so much now where it comes to relationships.
And I could talk about this forever because I just, the way I see relationships going is that, we are in this vortex of relationships right now where people aren't necessarily happy. They're not really doing the things to keep things. Fresh because there's so much pressure on them, having so much pressure because of children, because of money, the cost of living now is huge.
It's just so much that's going on. That's so much pressure on couples now, and then adding in kids and then adding in anything else where you've got a business and, husband that works away or anything like that, it really does have an impact on relationships. And then you guys [00:11:00] don't get chance to, when you're in relationships, you don't get chance to talk about things because you're working in the evening or they're.
away or you're sweating out the kids. And it's such a thing I see all the time with clients is that they've drifted apart because they've not been putting the effort in. And it's such a, in Western society we're, we should be together this, we should get married and we should be with one person forever.
And I see how relationships are evolving and how people are going to start just taking what they need out of relationships, whether it's, having somebody to go on dates with or somebody to go to the movies with, or, whatever it is that they need in their journey and being more kind of independent and not having that connection as much.
Exactly. And that was like a key point also, like where you helped us, because it was not only that I just worked with you, it was like me and my husband, like working together with you. And you connected us to Spirit, like together, and then like separately. And it was just like the most amazing [00:12:00] experience, I feel and I still have, like things that I always like, remember, it's just amazing.
Like how you, and I think that the, when you approached me about working with the two of you, and it was something that I had when you came to me and said, would you, and obviously I'd done a reading for you. And then I did a reading for your husband. Cause you were like, yeah, you need to do a reading for him.
And then you're like, can you do us together? And I was like thinking what do you see that as? What does that look like? And when you said it was exactly how Spirit had presented it to me, was I going to work with the two of you and see how it works. And I think it worked so well because seeing the relationship between the two of you and saying Hey, actually, like when he said this, like you reacted in this way and actually that can cause a lot of friction and vice versa.
And seeing how the two of you are very different. Yeah. Relationships. And we're trying to bring in not just different personalities, you guys, and different nationalities and upbringings. And this is what we've got in relationships now. We, we're getting a lot of different nationalities, different backgrounds, different, you've been through different things in your lives.
And so trying to bring them [00:13:00] together and try and be like one can be really challenging. And sometimes we don't see our own blind spot. You don't see how you're speaking to him. He doesn't see how he's speaking to you or how that might affect you. And I think. Seeing that as a, the whole thing open up is just so incredible because then you can go Oh, I'm a fly on the wall and I see this Hey, did you think that this, and this?
And then it's Oh, wow. Yeah. Because now you're becoming more in touch with yourself. And when you become more aware of yourself and each other, you become more connected to spirit. And it just, I don't know how it works. But it works every single time when people become more connected to themselves, they're more like, I can't, I've been getting these signs from spirit, spirit been giving me these messages.
I keep smelling things like all these things are coming in now. I'm starting to have all these things that these opportunities that are coming and it's yeah, it's because we've shifted that energy. Yeah. Powerful. And that's great. That's so powerful. Yeah. So almost there's so many different occasions where you can help people and it's not [00:14:00] only you.
It's everybody. I feel like that kind of like pulling a card is a lot of people maybe only a little bit of a proof that you can do that. And I think, when I used to work in spiritualist church and normal, I say air quotes, a psychic readings for people is giving people dead people.
That's what they want. They want their past loved ones. They want their ancestors come through. And quite often people get upset or they get a little bit disappointed that the person they wanted to come through, their mom, their grandma, whatever it is, hasn't come through. And they get really Oh, they're obviously not with me.
They feel really rejected afterwards. Oh no, they're not here. But actually, when I used to do that, we're just giving people evidence that there is a spiritual realm. But when you start looking at What can you use that information for? And for me, it's yeah, I can give you some people that passed over from spirit.
And, quite often I do to people, but I'm using the energy from their past loved ones and their spirit guides to be able to see what's going on with them, to be able to see actually, this is what's coming up for you right now. And I can see this has come from [00:15:00] childhood and I can see that and we can start to remove that.
And I think that's so much more powerful because that's going to change your life and empower it in new ways. Because, we've got people now where there's two weddings happening this year off the back of the work that I've done with those people, and they've both sent amazing. Yeah. And there's lots of babies that are happening because of the back of the work with the people because they're saying, I wasn't happy before.
I'm really happy now. Like I'm, I wanna stay in this relationship. I was leaving, people being in not great relationships and needing to have that support to. Leave that relationship and start new relationships. So it's really going through what people are, what's coming up for people and clearing it so that they can go and live their best lives.
That's so amazing. That's so cool. I love that. Thank you so much for sharing that as well. That's so cool. And like you had that gift since you were really little, right? Yeah. So I've been able to connect to spirits since I was a toddler. I don't know anything different. Like I have [00:16:00] no there's no thoughts different.
If you know what I mean, I just, there's never been a time that I haven't been able to. And I just think back now of There's times when I've done podcasts before and I think it's suddenly come to me. I'm like, okay, so I had a really hard time when I was a kid. Now I get it. I get why I had such a hard time as a kid.
Like I was bullied at school. Not because I could connect to spirit, but because I see people's shadows. I see their darkness. I see their likeness. People are afraid that they can see people who have got light and can see their darkness. I can see spirits around people. I can see energy around people. I can see, dead loved ones walking around and when we've got all of those things and living actual everyday life as a kid and trying to fit in and trying to learn and oh yeah It's a lot. It's overwhelming. Definitely. Oh my God. I cannot even imagine. So it, it is a lot. And I, when I think back to it and I'm, my daughter is very similar now and it's just you see how it just feels so overwhelming.
It just becomes [00:17:00] something that's just almost unfunctionable and it's finding ways to be able to embrace that energetics, but also being able to live a life. So you pass that on to her. Yeah. So she can connect to spirit. I, everybody can connect to spirit and we connect the most when we are first born.
And, depending, so mine was two and a half, three, when she started saying that she could see spirit around and that's a kind of generalized. Kind of age or the general kind of age that kids can see. Yeah. They can connect and they can see past lives and things like that. And then obviously as we get older, we start to lose that connection a bit more and start becoming more connected to people and things and, go into routine and nursery and school and all those kinds of things.
But we can always go back, right? Always go back. Nice. That's amazing. So if you want to encourage that with your kids and you want to, they start saying, and you see this in mom's groups where people say, Oh, my kids just [00:18:00] said they've seen somebody. Ah, there's no one there. It's just it's how you respond to that.
I can see somebody over here and I'll, I'm then saying, Oh, can you call who is it? The man or woman? Oh yeah. What do they look like? Are they nice? Asking those questions where you're intrigued, where you're wanting to know more information and you're not freaked out.
It's going to encourage that. Yeah, definitely. And obviously, to pass loved ones and stuff all the time. She's here. She sees that she feels that energetics. That's what it's all about. Yeah. I know a couple of children that say that and play and, it's just, it's great. Yeah. And they're talking.
Dina and Hazel sometimes as well. Amazing. And, she's probably chatting away when she's playing and you're like, is she chatting to herself? No, she's chatting to spirit. Yeah. And that's amazing. Yes, she is. That's good. That's amazing. I love that. Yeah. Thank you so much for sharing that. So I would definitely recommend [00:19:00] everybody to, get in touch.
And so what is the first thing they could do? Could they get in touch with you? Like you have your website set up where you have like different offerings. Yeah. Yes, it's VictoriaTippett. com. So you can come to the website. We also have a free Facebook group, which is the Limitless Spiritual Woman. So we do lots of things in there.
Every day, there's a daily card pool. We're doing questions, question of the day. So something spirit related in there. I do lots of live card pool. So social media is where I'm at, but services are all on the website. So yeah, lots of different ways. I will pop it below. And I would definitely recommend like I always love like when I see like you're live and I have time and I'm watching it and like your YouTube was also like really cool.
You now do that. It's like the weekly weather forecast. It's like the weekly energy forecast, right? Yeah, no, I love doing them because it is always like everybody goes, Oh my goodness happened. This is exactly what's happening. I'm like, I [00:20:00] love that. It gives people that boost and so many people watch it.
Yeah. And it's amazing. I love watching it too. And Spencer's always like listening to it in the background as well. Like when I have it on, he's Oh. And I listened to that again, it just gives you that little boost of what's coming up for the week and what's going to be new. So I think that's really good.
Cool. Oh my God. Thank you so much. That was such a good conversation and we will have another conversation soon when I'm on your podcast, right? So we are going to be launching a podcast. You will be on there. We'll be able to hear how it was working with me and what's happened since and all those amazing things.
Perfect. Yeah. I can't wait. I will pop your podcast link below too if you have one already. Perfect. Thank you so much. All right. Thank you so much. That was wonderful. Have a lovely rest of your day. I speak to you very soon. All right then. Bye.
Uh [00:21:00] huh. Mhm.